DiffDiff’er makes resource list for nation’s social justice educators

#DifferentDifferenter listed as an educational resource alongside Pulitzer prize winners, NYT bestsellers, and leading advocacy organizations!

This is by far the proudest moment for #DifferentDifferenter.

It been included in the 2020-2021 Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Educators, published by the Education for Liberation Network and Rethinking Schools. It’s been edited by Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Margaret Kavanaagh, Thomas Nikundiwe, and Carla Shalaby, all leading scholars and practitioners in the education abolition and liberation movement.

Below is the screenshot of the page that mentioned my book, along with resources published by organizations like Southern Poverty Law Center, Teaching Tolerance, NYT Magazine, Facing History and Ourselves, and individual authors/educators like Dr. Kendi, Tiffany Jewell, and numerous others. Happy to be in such awesome company!


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